We just finished the artificial landscaping project in Haerbin Runjia Hospital
We just finished the artificial landscaping project in Haerbin Runjia Hospital
Release time:2018-06-12 Browse times: 232

We just finished successfully the landscaping project in  Haerbin Runjia Hospital,including artifical plant wall,bamboo and date palm,areca palm.

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    2015 - 01 - 22
    Beijing palm technique development co., LTD., headquartersHotline: 010-84011200/87744635Fax: 010-51355296 6QQ: 1662420769Business email: zonglvshu@vip.sina.comHeadquarters address: Beijing, China, chaoyang district, high brand shop, CBD international golf club, the north sideZip code: 100000